Wednesday, March 30, 2011

HW 41 - Independent Research

The aspects i decided to focus on were the effects of overseas adoptions on an entire family as well as celebrity adoptions in general, and why they are controversial.


Nixon, Ron. "Adopted From Korea and in Search of Identity''. New York Times, 9 November 2009
-The article focuses on the fact that most South Koreans that were adopted in the past 50-60 years by white families in the United States have complications with facing their own identity, as most of them rejected the idea of even being Korean considering the environment they were raised in. This source was useful towards my research because it gave me a good idea of how the children raised in an overseas adoption go about dealing with the idea in general (finding your roots, learning the culture etc)

Levy,Clifford. J "Unwrapping Red Tape to Find the Gift of Family". New York Times, 23 November 2010
-This article tells the story of another controversy over overseas adoption. This time in Kazakhstan where Rebecca Compton and Jeremy Meyer were trying to adopt a baby they seemed to take a huge interest in when selected at the orphanage, but the Kazakhstan government thought other wise. After months of debate and sleepless nights for the couple, they finally won the decision to keep the baby who they named Noah. This article helped me towards my research because it really shows how overseas adoption is an issue in small countries such as Kazakhstan is made in to a huge issue and how it can really effect the people trying to adopt the child as the couple gave up their own jobs for months to wait on the final decision.

"Angelina Jolie Inspires International Adoptions" Good Morning America, 1 October 2005
-This article talks about the fact that Angelina Jolie has now adopted two children from overseas, and this has had a significant impact on other couples strongly considering adopting a child from overseas. One child is from Cambodia while the other is from Ethopia, which has seemed to have an even bigger impact on the decisions of these couples. This article helped me with my research because as a celebrity overseas adoption, every family with doubts of doing the same as Jolie are now more encouraged.

Respers, Lisa. France "Bullock's adoption of black baby stirs debate" CNN 7 May 2010
-This article discusses the controversy around Sandra Bullock's adoption of a black child from New Orleans. The article talks about how some believe that the move was just to make her image look better since a controversial anti semetic image of her husband appeared in the news. I found this article to be very significant as it also showed that most people didn't care that much as long as it wasn't an overseas adoption and how looked down upon they are after previous celebrities adopted children from the other side of the world.

Interlandi, Jeneen
"The Case For International Adoption" Newsweek 2 March 2010
-This article focuses on the overall topic of overseas adoption in general, Interlandi can relate to this topic because he was actually adopted by white Italian parents from Colombia in the late 1970 and states his main point that despite recent controversy over celebrity overseas adoption as long as the child's health and well-being can be taken care of, that is all that matters. This article helped me significantly with my research because it contradicted one of my previous articles where based on the article, i stated that because of recent celebrity overseas adoptions their has been an increase in overseas adoptions when in fact (according to this article) the number of overseas adoptions has decreased by 12,000 from 2004 to 2009.


-Through this research, i could write a paper where i evaluate the long term effects overseas adoption has had on children brought from other countries. From the way they were treated in school by teachers and peers to family relatives. To make my research more specific i could investigate these long term effects on a certain age group (Teenagers/adults/elderly). This idea was encouraged by the first article i listed; how most South Koreans who have been adopted overseas don't accept who they are till later in life.

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