Monday, April 11, 2011

HW 44 - Comments on Other People's Projects


In your letter you basically described the industrial atrocities of hospital births in the united states and why and how we can change the current situation america is in. I really liked your idea for change with commercials since they are practically what we see all the time. This project matters to me because it's straight to the point and i agree with it entirely.

Great Post


For this project you looked at 3 aspects of being an OB/GYN and basically came to the conclusion that OB/GYN work diligently, are paid in decently large amounts and gain more of a benefit if they are women. The aspect that really mattered to me the most though was the pay rate. I had a good sense that doctors made a good amount of money but i was still shocked when i saw the chart you posted. This project matters to me because it gave me a deeper insight in to a profession i didn't know very well.

Great post


In your project you basically summarized the problem with the growing "fads" in america regarding pregnancy and birth. I really liked your comparison of how women are treated similarly horrible in the 21st century compared to the 19th. Although you didn't go in to detail, it made me think about it and if there had been any doubt in my mind of how horribly woman have been treated over time (in hospitals) that statement cleared it for me. This project matters to me because it goes in depth and reveals actual facts of how horrible of a system we have regarding pregnancy and birth.

Great post

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