Monday, May 23, 2011

HW 57 - Initial Thoughts on Prom

Prom, a right of passage. Another way to give humans more purpose in their lives, but why? Why do we feel the need to emulate celebrities for one night just to tell people what it was like in the future? Prom seems to be different from any other night because it occurs at a point in our lives where we are really starting to enter the "real" world. By this i mean becoming an adult by definition (go through college, get a job, raise a family etc.)

The idea that on the night of prom we emulate celebrities is ironic, because just like most celebrities that dress up and pull up in limos (which would be actors/actresses) we follow a certain script at prom. Which include many awkward moments that we feel like we have to live through because it's part of the process. Just like actors, we feel as though a lot is at stake if we don't feel like we follow this script.

1. What are the lasting effects of prom? How does the experience at prom effect ones future?

2. How does the location of the prom effect how people act at prom?

3. What are other ways the idea of prom can be celebrated besides the typical way it's celebrated today?

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