Monday, November 22, 2010

HW 17 - First Thoughts on the Illness & Dying Unit

Illness and dying. I have had a couple of experiences with this topic. My first experience with this topic was when i was only 11 and my 3 year old cat got cancer and died shortly after. This was the first time i had ever experienced death and i took it pretty harshly. I cried in my room for 2 days straight but soon got over it because i was told to believe my cat was somewhere in heaven, happy. Whether this true or not i choose to move on and believe what i was told. Looking back at it now, i find it interesting. Usually when a loved one dies, we're told that that person, pet or thing went to a happy place (usually heaven) We don't even think about it because the topic is so strong we choose to believe whatever we want. That is how we are taught (at least that is how i was taught)

Last september my grandma died at the age of 94. No one in my family wanted my grandma to die (i hope not) but everyone saw it coming. My grandma was very old and as my mom nicely likes to put it her time was ''running out''. She was buired in a jewish cemetary and everyone in my family was sad. Based on my families reactions i can guess that when someone else dies in the family in the future, the funeral will be taken very seriously just as this one. Was i sad? of course, but as stated before i sort of saw it coming.

Based on that experience at that funeral, this lead me to believe most funerals happen just like that. Death in our society is practiced in a very gloomy manner. We look down upon anything morbid as slightly offensive. This is opposed to the mexican holiday dia de los muertos, which is a holiday celebrated in mexico to celebrate the dead of loved ones. While after the funeral my family and i did eat at a restaurant that my grandma loved to sort of celebrate her death most of the day was filled with sadness of her passing.

I can't predict when i'll die or what the cause of my death might be but i try to stay as far away from becoming ill and dying (or dying from another cause) People in society today try to predict death all of the time. Whether it's "Fortune Tellers" or karma, people think death comes at a certain time, when in fact death is random. An example of this would be my grandfathers death. My grandpas death happened at work where randomly, he died from a heart attack, as my mom likes to put it "He went to work one day and never came back". My cat that i had at 11 also died very randomly. One day he just got cancer and a few months later he was dead. The cat was fed very well and no one knew why he died so spontaneously. In conclusion, you can't predict death, no matter how hard you try death is something that just happens by human nature.

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