Sunday, November 28, 2010

HW 18 - Health & Illness & Feasting

Thanksgiving. A holiday that comes once a year where our purpose is to give thanks (pretty self explanatory, i also don't think there should be a holiday for this. I believe we should give thanks every day of our lives). This year for thanksgiving my parents and i went down to Miami, Florida to visit my dying uncle, other uncles, aunts and cousins. As soon as we arrived i got the chance to meet and reconnect with relatives. We arrived at about 3 when the dinner was at about 7 and usually on thanksgiving what i mostly think about is the meal, but i was so caught up talking to relatives and hearing interesting stories i forgot about the big traditional thanksgiving meal.

The background element related to illness and dying during this thanksgiving experience was my dying uncle. At first, seeing my uncle (who at 95, still had some humor left in him) depressed me. His skin was bruised and sitting in a wheelchair, he could barley speak, but after the stories he shared of his childhood with my relatives the mood at the dinner felt a lot more "light" (less depressing). The food also helped with this issue, in other words the typical turkey my aunt cooked for thanksgiving dinner lived up to the hype and i was happy and full to say the least.

By the end of the night i was stuffed. My relatives and i decided to take a walk on the beach for an after-thanksgiving dinner sort of thing, instead of watching football (although we did watch football a little bit later on in the night). When we got back to the house my uncle showed me and my relatives old footage of my mom and cousins. This was probably the first time i had ever done anything besides watch football, or just television in general after a thanksgiving dinner and it was a nicer way to end the night.

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