Friday, December 10, 2010

HW 21 - Expert #1 - Comments

- Christian. I liked your further inquiry on the effect of dying from cancer beths husband went through, and how because Beths husband had such an "out-going" personality this effected him even more. I like how you also went on to explain why this is, how when we are dying we have certain need to fight the illness because we have too much "dignity" or "pride" when really we just don't want to accept the fact that we are dying. Your insights on death bringing family closer together were interesting as well. I've also noticed this as a common happening in our culture. As the saying goes "you never know what you have till its gone"

Great Post!

-Dean. I enjoyed reading your insights on beth's presentation. Your paragraph on beths experiences, and how death is not only sad (not nesseccarily happy) showed insightfullness. You were clearly not only taking notes on beths emotions but the people around you to receive further answers from your own questions. Although your first paragraph showed a lot of signs of insight, you could have expanded your second. You go on to say that because of beths presentation it " showed me that you can be slowly dying for a long time and not even realize it." you go on to say that you "have heard that people can have diseases for a long time and not even realize it until it is too late." To improve your work next time, my suggestion would be to expand on this idea. Are there any examples you can give of when this would be? (for example: Magic Johnson). Non the less i enjoyed reading this post very much.

My Father
-Death has always been one of my favorite subjects. Death is something I have much experience of, having lost all my antecedents, many, many close friends, (most recently Tuli Kupferberg). I was myself declared dead at the age of eleven. Harry’s observations regarding his grandmother were quite well observed and as this was his very first encounter with human death, I am sure it must have been a signal event. I was not aware that we kept the fact of his grandmother’s approaching demise in denial, as he states, but it must have been so. Life is defined by birth and death. As one approaches one’s mid seventies as I am, death is an almost daily occurrence.

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